From Mobile App to ROI: Tips and Best Practices

From Mobile App to ROI: Tips and Best Practices
04 12 2017

We all have a great showcase of mobile apps on our smartphones. There is a wide range of applications such as banking, sports, courier, home delivery or other application. Indeed, a smartphone user has an average of 28 applications but uses only about 5.

Some Tips to Get Out Of It

There are a lot of applications ready to be downloaded on our smartphones. Why do some come in the top rankings? How to stand out in this very competitive field? The answers vary according to different elements such as the objective of the mobile application or the sector of activity.

What Can I Do To Be A “Used App” On A Smartphone?

Convincing smartphone users to download an application is the first challenge. It is followed by another: encourage the use of this application and avoid abandonment. It is important to recruit users efficiently because it’s hard to retain them. There are many reasons for abandoning a Mobile App, and the user may think that the ergonomics of the application is not adapted to him, that the content is not updated or optimized, that there is too much aggressive advertising.

To avoid uninstalling a mobile application, it is important to communicate with another user and send email notifications to push. Interact with the user and add value that should not be overlooked by the user. Our two speakers agreed on an effective tactic to remove fatigue: the establishment of a “gamification”.

Selling In an Application, a New Challenge?

We have often explained the different types of mobile apps by lingering on the freemium model which is interesting. Some applications are not chargeable at the time of download but can become so at certain strategic moments of our use. You have to know how to push the sale at the right time. Yes, this is difficult, but some brands are doing very well. The latter applies the e-commerce codes; After all, we get a little closer. To make the sale, on a mobile application, it is necessary to make this simple and fast. I will not explain the typical example of “one click” Amazon.

Some Good Practices for Developing Your Mobile App

First, you have to put yourself in the user’s place to better understand how to meet your expectations and even exceed them. We, therefore, speak the user experience (UX). You also need to know how to attract and inspire the user. To do this, all means are good: Social networks, emailing, video etc. The user must feel confident belonging to a community, that of this mobile application. Finally, once the download is done, and the committee developed, we must retain our customers so that it continues to use our mobile application. It is, therefore, necessary to listen to it, analyze its feedback and adapt to its needs.

What ROI to Expect With a Mobile App?

It is a legitimate concern, to know what will be the return on his investment. Developing a mobile app for your business can enable you to acquire customers or improve your efficiency and that of your employees. Let’s take a quick look at the return on investment you can expect.

Productivity and Efficiency: The Mobile Application Saves you Time
Time-saving is one of the main challenges of mobile business applications because it means greater efficiency and saving money. Can you measure how much time you spend on developing a project tracking report or an invoice at the end of your workday? How long do your employees spend on their reports, their balance sheets? Imagine the time it takes to track, report, send documents or expense reports directly during your activity, at your site, at your customer with or without an immediate internet connection … So much time to finally recalculate on other activities.

Many of our customers, SMEs, industrialists or craftsmen, have saved a lot of time thanks to their business applications

Acquisition of Customers: The App Helps You to Make Your Business Sustainable
Acquiring customers can be a goal, especially if the mobile app is an interactive catalog or a decision-making tool to make the best choice in your products. The number of customers acquired via the mobile application is a very clear indicator of the return on investment that the application brings you.

You can also retrieve data about users of your mobile app, building a base of leads. If the value added of your app is real, it will even be an exceptional tool for promotion and loyalty: you reach your target actually and immediately in a snap thanks to pushing notifications!

Savings: The Mobile Application Saves You on Your Budget Communication
The application is a scalable, customized and adaptable tool that can be modified according to your wishes. You can use this existing support to hit your target, instead of generating new communication media (printing new pads or updating the catalogue). This is not a direct return, but the savings count!

Image and Notoriety: The App Helps You to Make the Buzz
By having your mobile app, you improve your image with your audience. You can benefit from the positive effects of buzz if your mobile app is appreciated and relayed. Even if these returns are not immediately quantifiable, the application helps to heal your image and allows you to show you accessible for your prospects/clients.

How to measure the profitability of its application?

You have or want an application for your business or your marketing strategy. You invest a lot in this project, and your expectations are quite high. One point not to be overlooked: As a mobile app has an even shorter lifespan than a web site, it is essential to make sure it is cost-effective. How?

Why Measure The Profitability Of An App?

When you invest for your business, you want it to pay off. The creation of an application, whether general or not, does not escape this rule. It should be noted that the lifetime of an app is relatively short: 3 years maximum. Next, we must consider a redesign, because it is necessary to adapt to the pace of evolution of smartphones and tablets. And there are always innovations in the field of mobile devices! Measuring the profitability of your mobile application is therefore crucial. If you renew your application every 2 or 3 years or so to “stay in the race”, you need to know that you are investing in communication or marketing tool that generates ROI.

For Each Type Of Application Its Criteria for Measuring Profitability

So how do you calculate the profitability of your mobile app? Depending on the kind of app you choose, there are different ways to consider measuring your ROI:

  • You have an “internal” business application: one of the great advantages of this type of applications is time-saving. You make your observations and other quotes “live” instead of having to spend 45 minutes to retype your notes taken by hand? This allows you to be more productive and manage more demands. You can encrypt this to give you an idea of what your app brings you.
  • You have opted for a “public” business application: this type of app allows you to sell. Whether in B to B or from individuals, your app allows your customers to choose the right reference from your product catalogue. By knowing some sales made through your app, you can find out how profitable it is or not.
  • If your app is intended for the general public, it helps to make you talk. You may be in one of two situations:
    • Your app is paying. Subscription revenue or application downloads will tell you if it brings you profits.
    • Your app is free. Many free applications are based on the freemium model. In this case, downloading is free, but access to high-value content is chargeable. If this is your case, you can do the same kind of calculation as for the paying consumer application.

In any case, you have to set up a measurement system, via your CRM, or even an Excel file. Be aware that it can be partially integrated into the app. For example, it is possible to know if a contact comes from your application.

Hope above tips help you to boost your mobile app ROI and helps you in the boost of your Business or Business Application.

